Sunday, March 25, 2012

No Car Day

On Saturday morning Dave and I had plans to take the train up to Seoul to buy a car. Our plans however were thwarted, when the car dealership sent us a text message at 3am letting us know that they had an emergency and that the dealership would not be able to show any cars that day. So... instead, I took Dave down town to the market to show him all of the exciting and weird things that they sell!!!!!

Here are some pictures of what we saw this weekend. Enjoy!!!

 Jinhae/Chinhae Train Station platform sign.

 The Whole (sale) Mart is the little grocery store just off of base where we buy most of our produce. The sell amazing stuff including Korean Pears, Songi mushrooms (the name of the weird mushroom from my last post) and lots of other exciting things.

 The pictures below are of the "Jungang Traditional Market" in downtown on a Saturday. The market is open every day, but there are more products out on the weekend than on the week days.

Obviously a fruit stand... The strawberries don't look all that spectacular, but they are wonderful!

This picture below is a Kimchi stand. Each bowl is filled with a different type of kimchi.

Some dried fish, cabbage, seaweed.... 

Weird fish or live octopus anyone???

They were trying to get out of the bowl. Yikes!

Though some of the fish were really scary looking most of the fish was incredibly fresh and sometimes still alive. 

See scary fish below.

If you look closely, you can see these guys' teeth.

Everything you need to make your own kimchi.

More kimchi stands.

Dried fish, mushrooms and eggs. Not sure what type of eggs the tiny ones are.

Live fish for sale. I wonder how you take one of these home....

There are also lots of stores that sell clothing including several that specialize in making the traditional formal Korean dress called the Hanbok. You can have them custom made with the fabric of your choice. The inexpensive ones run about 200,000 won or about $180.00 and you can apparently easily spend 6 or 7 hundred dollars on one for a wedding etc.

This is a photo of the Jinhae train station. 

PS I am uploading more videos to my YouTube page, so check it out! :)

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